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Our Latest Project on Sale at Crufts 2018!

Half Tone

Crufts dog show book

Here at Lanes, we know the importance of high-quality printing. We've recently been working on a fantastic project; the brilliant new hardback book, Magnificent Ming, by Shelagh Needham

Shelagh is a huge lover of dogs and has owned bearded collies for over 37 years and judged them professionally since 2003.

The book is all about Shelagh's beloved dog, Ming, a gorgeous bearded collie and the adventures and life they spent together. It is a truly heartwarming read and is being sold to raise money for a charity close to her heart, Beardie Aid. Beardie Aid is a fantastic rescue and re-homing service affiliated to the Southern Counties Bearded Collie Club. The organisation is recognised by the Kennel Club and also helps to pay for vet bills, operations and temporary accommodation for Collie's whilst a permanent home is found.

Excitingly, this book is going to be sold at Crufts 2018. This year's event will be held between the 8th and 11th March at the NEC Arena in Birmingham. Tickets are available to purchase now, so be quick! For more information on the best dog show in the world, visit the Crufts website here.

Here at Lanes, we loved working on this project with Shelagh. We printed each section of the book using 4 colour process onto 115gsm silk paper, giving the book a luxurious, quality look and feel. Each section of the book is folded and sewn with plain endpapers. Finally, it was case bound using a gloss laminated printed paper case.

We love the finished product and hope everyone at Crufts 2018 does too! There are many other ways to help Beardie Aid, whether you'd like to volunteer, provide transport or donate. Find out more on the Beardie Aid website here.

If you are working on your own project and need help with the printing side of things, we would be more than happy to help. We offer a range of different services including book printing, wedding stationary and even bespoke design.

For more information, don't hesitate to contact a member of the team by visiting our contact page or by calling us on 01843 861314.

Lanes Printers © 2025