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What Information Should Be On My Business Card?

Half Tone

Man showing white business card

Knowing what to add and what to leave out on a business card is essential for keeping it balanced and eye catching.

A good business card will remind people of you and your company - and being remembered is a huge benefit to success.

Try not to focus too much on the graphic elements on the business card, focus mainly on the text you want to add, but consider the space around either one of these elements too. This is often referred to as ‘negative space.’ A good, clean design communicates that you’re organised and professional. A first impression is always noteworthy, you do not want to give a bad first impression.

The key to a great business card to feature these elements. Try not to overload your card, it will make your business look busy:

  • Logo
  • Company name
  • Tagline
  • Your name
  • Job title
  • Website
  • Contact details

A Good Business Card

If you want people or potential clients to contact you, you have to tell them how. First and foremost, a good business card is an extension of your brand. You want to convey all of the correct information about who your company is and what you do but you have to do it in a memorable and meaningful way.

Logo, Tagline and Company Name

A good logo and tagline shapes your business identity through colours, shapes and text. A logo should be clean and easy to read (even on a business card), so think about placement when people hold your card. If their fingers cover it when they pick it up, they probably will miss your logo or tagline. You want your logo to be recognisable so people remember your brand name and what you do.

Your Name and Job Title

Putting your own name on a business card seems obvious, doesn’t it? But you’d be surprised how many people forget to put their own name. In order for it to read correctly you must put your name then your job title. For example if your name is Florence, but you ultimately go by ‘Flo’ - put Flo. A business card is not meant to provide in-depth and wasted information. You should introduce yourself to people as you like to be called, this will avoid awkward re-introductions. Next job title, even if you have multiple jobs in the company or have multiple roles, you should put the one that describes your main function. Avoid listing titles as this will not be remembered by people. There is an exception for your position though. For example, if you are a Managing Director or Founder, you should also feature this on your business card, simply because this is a high title. But this should always go after your job role.

Contact Details

Try and keep contact details direct and straightforward. Put the most direct form of contact not your business phone number - provide the extension. This is because by the very nature of being passed from hand to hand (while making eye contact), business cards create a personal connection between you and the person receiving it. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t keep your personal information private but keep it professional but not too corporate.


The simple idea of putting your website onto your business card is that people will be so impressed when meeting you, they want to know more and they find your website. This will simply send them to a page with more information and purpose for them to do their own research and find out exactly what they want to know. Top tip: Make the URL to your website something very short and easy to type, no one wants to type a really long web address.

If you are looking to get some documents printed, from letterheads and business cards, through to menus or photographs, then Lanes Printers are here to help. If you are unsure about your business cards and how you want them printed, then get in touch with our friendly team today here, or give us a call on 01843 861314.

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